Tuesday, September 06, 2005

New concept!! rebirth and reconceptual of rapture

Re birth of rapture!!!!!
sekarang rapture bener2 berubah!!
pure punk rock!!
banyak personel yang keluar n masuk!!!
new squad rapture
Ria vocal edwin vocal
iq vocal roni 1st guitar
paduan suara soft ria sama rap edwin plus
Growl iq!! bakal ngingetin kita ama ten25 campur blink!!
ato marylin manson campur ma jewel!!! g begitu berisik cuma bikin
kita asik!!!
btw all rapture management sat thanks to ex rapture
ilham vocal
rudi vocal
rubi 1st guitar!!!!!!!!

New rapture squad
panji Drum
teguh left distortion
adit 6,12, acoustic bass
Roni 6 melodic blues guitar
Ria clean voices/astral
edwin a quick word/ rap x
iq the dirty ones!!giga growl